On most websites, the links section links to sponsors etc. Not here. On this website, the links section will be updated with funny, interesting and oddball stuff I find in my travels. I've started with a few below - so check them out and let me know what you think. Click on the headings to open the links.
Every Star Wars fan's ultimate dream
Some American crazy person plans on building a real-size AT-AT Walker. Amazing.
Jennifer Aniston goes viral
A great viral advertisement from Smart Water featuring Jennifer Aniston. Brilliant stuff!
Family Guy - Take On Me
One of the most random Family Guy scenes, and that is saying something.
Michael Caine impersonations
Two British comedians compare who has a better Michael Caine impersonation.
David Copperfield - a parody
Hilarious parody of the magic of David Copperfield.
A history of golf
Robin Williams gives an outstanding take on the history of golf (warning: language).
It's still REAL to me dammit!
The most passionate wrestling fan of all time.
A beached whale
You'll either love or hate this clip. It's that simple.
Things you don't say to your wife
If you don't want to get killed with a knife, don't sing this song to your wife.
Minesweeper: The Movie
The movie the gaming world has been waiting decades for...
The most hilarious of referees
Just be thankful you've never had this clown as referee for one of your soccer matches...
The wrong message?
Ten friends were dining at an exclusive restaurant in the UK when they received a bill that was somewhat... unorthodox...
Another opinion on Global Warming
So many people are waxing lyrical about global warming. Well here's another perspective.
How not to propose to your girlfriend
Some guy decides to propose at an NBA game. The result is not quite what he'd hoped for...
The Worst NBA advertisement ever
Scottie Pippen decided to lend his endorsement to 'Mr Submarine' in the most awkwardly setup commercial in the history of television. Watch and beware...
Kevin Durant's first posterised dunk
Ok, I'm totally bias because I'm a Sonics fan, but this is one awesome dunk.
Britney is trigger happy
So K-Fedd bought Britney A GUN for her birthday, and now is having second thoughts. Oh man, could it be any worse???.
The Ultimate Christmas Present Revenge
A father in the United States bought his son a really rare Christmas present. However he came home from work to see his son smoking pot. His discipline device: to auction off the much desired present on Ebay. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
The Stupidest Climate Change Idea Ever
Scientists in the Netherlands are looking to create a giant tulip of land to protect them against rising seas. This belongs in the Top 10 Worst Geographic Ideas of the Century. It makes as much sense as letting Britney babysit your kids for the weekend.
Dylan as Rocky Balboa
I was at the beach with a few mates and came upon the steepest sand hill I've ever seen. So, I did what anyone would do; filmed myself running up it and turned it into a music video. Inspirational stuff really.